

Mansfield and Austin, TX - Mouser Electronics, an electronics catalog distributor, will distribute Freescale Semiconductor products worldwide through its print and online product catalogs.  
Mouser's inventory of Freescale products includes the 8-/16-/32-bit microcontrollers, including the 16-bit 9S12NE64 single-chip MCU with Ethernet connectivity; digital signal processors (DSPs) and digital signal controllers (DSCs); 32-bit microprocessors, including the PowerPC® family; RF ICs, including Zigbee; analog ICs, pressure sensors and accelerometers; clock drivers; and development tools.

ARLINGTON, VA -- Down in January, up in February, down in March, up again last month: electronic component orders continued their 2005 seesaw ride, according to the monthly order index compiled by the Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association (ECA). 

"Anytime you see an uptick such as the one in April, it's a good sign," said Bob Willis, ECA president ( "So far, it's been a positive year, but we are still seeing fluctuations from month to month as a result of manufacturers' uncertainties about where the market is heading."

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TORONTO - Adeptron Technologies, an integrator of electronics products, today reported March quarter revenue of $8.47 million, up 42% from 2004. The GAAP net loss narrowed to $460,000 vs. $1.1 million in 2004.

Sales improved "significantly" during the quarter, the company said, and current indications "are that this strength has continued into the second quarter."

Of the sales increase, $1.24 million came from the company's Ottawa operations acquired in the first quarter 2004.

For the quarter, gross margin increased to $930,000, from $100,000 a year ago. Selling, general and administrative costs were $1.14 million, down 13.6% from $1.32 million.

Sequentially, sales were slightly higher while the net loss was lower.

F. Michael Marti, president and CEO, said Adeptron "has made significant progress by reducing costs while maintaining revenue. Starting in the fourth quarter of 2004, we engaged in an aggressive and ongoing campaign to improve the cost structure. The cumulative effects of these cost reduction measures will be more evident in the second quarter and fully reflected by the third quarter."

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