Vacuum reflow ovens achieve 5% voiding in solder joints
PHILADELPHIA, PA ― October 8, 2019 ― As part of our regularly scheduled series of events, ACI Technologies will host an open house on November 5.
Among the presentations and equipment demonstrations, BTU will discuss the void-reducing advantages of adding a vacuum chamber after the solder has achieved a liquid state. An equipment demonstration will be given on BTU’s new vacuum reflow oven.
Also present at the ACI open house will be applications engineers to give equipment demonstrations and capabilities of Yamaha high-speed placers and AOI machines, ITW/EAE stencil printers, selective soldering equipment from Nordson, X-ray equipment from Nikon and GenX, PDR rework machines using infrared technology, Hakko rework and tools, Stoelting cleaning equipment, Koh Young solder paste inspection equipment, KIC profilers, Loctite adhesives, Essemtec dispensing and placing equipment, and Den-On’s newest technology to rework boards with parts as small as 0201 and 01005s.
Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. To register, contact Katie Riggan at 610-362-1200 ext. 250 or