
Dallas, TX – For some time, digital transformation has focussed on the factory floor, ignoring the important business processes that deliver real business improvements and measurable return on investment. In this series of webinars, CalcuQuote explores the digital transformation of the quoting, purchasing and stock control processes, sharing the stage with those who are at the cola face every day delivering the components needed to manufacture electronic products.

In the first webinar, Digi-Key’s International API Champion, Stephane Ratelet and Program Manager, Nathan Pray will offer their own insight into the way API’s can accelerate these essential processes, while delivering huge savings in terms of costs.

The COVID-19 crisis has underlined the need for digital transformation, exposing the digital have-nots and rewarding the digital haves. Companies with a digital approach have been faster to adapt, agile and more resilient throughout the crisis. They will likely emerge from the crisis stronger than those who rely on traditional methods to manage their procurement and supply chains. Real-time data has never been more important.

Led by CalcuQuote founder and CEO, Chintan Sutaria, each webinar will deliver a unique view and insight, while providing simple step-by-step advice on your own digital transformation. “In these webinars, we are seeking to share our experience of digital transformation, and that of our partners, showing where value can be delivered and measured quickly and easily” said Chintan Sutaria, adding “it has never been more important to have real-time data available at your fingertips to allow you to respond to disruption in supply or demand, quickly and confidently.”

The first webinar will take place on 14th May 2020, at 9am in Dallas, 3pm in London and 4pm in Paris.  Sign up now, don’t be a data have-not!

About CalcuQuote

CalcuQuote moves the EMS industry forward with process and technology expertise to solve complex problems. CQ's flagship product is QuoteCQ - a comprehensive Quote Management System for high-mix, low-volume Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) companies. By integrating with major component suppliers and using custom labor profiles, CalcuQuote enables a sophisticated request for quote (RFQ) process that delivers quotes with unrivaled speed and precision.

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