
ECIA Statement on Tightened U.S. Export Restrictions

Atlanta  –  This week ECIA, the Electronic Components Industry Association, released the following statement regarding increased U.S. export restrictions on many technologies to China, Russia, and Venezuela.  ECIA President and CEO David Loftus stated, “I am confident that ECIA member companies, comprising all elements of the electronic component supply chain, will comply with new regulations and appreciate the need to protect genuine national security interests. However, we also recognize that the global electronics industry is deeply intertwined and interdependent. We are therefore concerned that this new order is exceedingly broad and has the potential for unintended consequences that will have a disproportionate negative impact on US technology companies.”

ECIA strongly encourages bilateral discussions to achieve more specific agreements that will more effectively balance the requirements of national security while safeguarding U.S business competitiveness. In addition, ECIA is fully aligned with similar statements from other electronics association leaders, including SEMI and SIA.

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