
Irvine California, USA – TopLine Corporation announces the availability of comprehensive Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Repair, Rework, and column attachment services. TopLine specializes in repairing and restoring valuable Column Grid Array (CGA) FPGA components to usable condition by replacing bent or damaged solder columns with fresh solder columns made in the USA. FPGA devices with solder columns are primarily used in space defense applications.

In making the announcement, Martin Hart, CEO of TopLine, said, “We help you recover your sunk costs by refreshing damaged heritage components and spares parts with our comprehensive turnkey column attachment services. We manufacture Pb80/Sn20 copper wrap solder columns as well as traditional Pb90/Sn10 columns. Even FPGA devices which are soldered to boards can be refreshed to like-new condition.”

Column sizes are available to fit every FPGA and ASIC device, Hart adds. “We also remove solder balls from BGA devices and replace them with solder columns. Solder columns are more reliable than solder balls. Columns absorb stress caused by temperature changes due to differences in the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) of large ceramic devices.”

Services include Pb80/Sn20 Copper Wrap Solder Column attachment; Pb90/Sn10 plain solder columns; NASA Micro-Coil Springs; Turnkey CCGA column attachment services; and protective packaging for devices with solder columns. Columns and attachment tool kits are produced in the USA.

About TopLine

TopLine manufactures a wide range of solder columns for CCGA semiconductor packages, and provides Daisy Chain CCGA packages for engineering development, profiling and practice. TopLine products provide hands-on learning for engineers. Contact TopLine Corporation, Tel (800) 776-9888; Email: For more information, visit or email

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