(2020-11-11) Kitron has been awarded a development contract to update a F-35 test program set (TPS) and provide a repair capability for Kitron and a United States Government (USG) Depot. The contract is for a three-year development program, with a total value of NOK 20 million. The development will be done at Kitron’s facility in Arendal, Norway.
The TPS was designed and demonstrated by Kitron under a previous contract. The fully redesigned TPS will enable both Kitron and the USG Depot to detect and isolate faults in the L-Band Pre-Selector (LBPS) Line Replaceable Units (LRUs), which is a module within the F-35 aircraft’s Communication, Navigation and Identification (CNI) avionics suite, developed by Northrop Grumman.
“This contract shows that Kitron’s role in the F-35 program extends beyond production to include development projects. It also points forward to substantial business opportunities within maintenance and repair, which Kitron will definitely pursue,” said Hans Petter Thomassen, Managing Director of Kitron Norway.
Northrop Grumman's integrated CNI suite provides F-35 pilots with the capability of more than 27 avionics functions including voice and data communication. By using its industry-leading software-defined radio technology, the design allows the simultaneous operation of multiple critical functions while greatly reducing size, weight and power demands on the advanced fighter aircraft.
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is the world’s most advanced military aircraft and for over a decade, the U.S. and our allies have invested in developing this fifth-generation, international, multirole fighter aircraft that will serve as a cornerstone of global security in the 21st century.
Norway is one of the international partner countries participating in the F-35 program. Under the Manufacturing License Agreement between Kitron ASA and Northrop Grumman, Kitron will manufacture and repair several subassemblies for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.