
Minneapolis, MN – SMTA is pleased to announce, Mohamed El Amine Belhadi, Auburn University, has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 JoAnn Stromberg Student Leader Scholarship.

The SMTA Awards Committee selected Mohamed for his committed leadership in the SMTA. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate from the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering at Auburn University. Mohamed currently serves as President of the SMTA Auburn University Student Chapter and has been involved with the chapter since 2019. Through his leadership the chapter was able to establish stronger relations within the College of Engineering to further promote chapter activities both on and off campus. Mohamed expanded membership within the chapter and also within the officer team, establishing and filling three new roles.  He has strived to work more closely with other SMTA chapters, committees, and programs, as well as use his connections through SMTA to help fellow students find jobs and internships.

The $3000 JoAnn Stromberg Student Leadership Scholarship, given in honor of the nearly 30 years of service dedicated by former Executive Administrator, JoAnn Stromberg, was established following her retirement in 2015. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage students to take on more leadership opportunities and strengthen the connection between students and the electronics industry.

The Stromberg Scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student pursuing a degree in electronics and actively involved in the SMTA. The scholarship is intended for the purchase of technical books and research materials, for participation in conferences related to electronics assembly and packaging, and for living expenses if necessary.

The award will be presented in person at the 2021 SMTA International Conference, November 1-4, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN, USA.

The nomination period will be available early next year for 2022 candidates. Consider making a donation to the scholarship by visiting

Please contact Saniya Pilgaonkar, or +1-952-920-7682, with questions.

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