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AVX Corp. (Myrtle Beach, SC), a manufacturer of electronic passive components, has landed on Mars. The company announced their contribution to the Mars exploration rover, Spirit, and its twin rover, Opportunity, that successfully drove onto Martian soil last weekend. AVX supplied their CYR20 glass-dielectric capacitors in the mission critical rover lift actuator (RLA) and lander petal actuator (LPA) circuits. AVX has a long-standing relationship with NASA's space programs and has supplied passive components for many missions over the past 20 years.

The fused monolithic construction of the capacitors provide selectrical performance, environmental immunity, stability and retraceability, making them ideal for mission critical applications. The devices are designed to withstand extremely high and low temperatures and exposure to radiation.

The capacitors used in the rover played a vital role in the RLA and LPA electronics. The circuits enable the lander to open and adjust its petals and enable the lift mechanism to raise the rover so its wheels can be deployed to drive onto Martian terrain.


Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL-CALTECH.

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