FRANKLIN, MA, Nov. 15 - The MPM Accela screen
printer has a completely new design and operator interface, and
reportedly delivers raw throughput gains of 20 to 30%. This is aided by
a parallel processing setup in which all axes move simultaneously. The
machine is designed for applications such as cellular phones and
The new platform is said to
- Reduce setup, changeover and consumable downtime (to 5 minutes from 20), and features tool-free hardware interfaces
- Deliver equipment robustness, ease of operator use, and a module
level design with CanOpen controls, with no tools needed to switch from
pumps to blades.
- Feature easy service, support, and upgrade capability, all within the same footprint as previous MPM printers.
- Offer 0.0005" accuracy for alignment and repeatability, and 0.001" print accuracy.
- Handle higher density, more complex boards as well as lead-free manufacturing requirements.
- Board sizes handled are 2 x 2" to 20 x 20", and thickness of 0.15 mm to 12.7 mm and up to 7 kg (15 lbs.).
The printer has been awarded two U.S. patents, and nine others are patent-pending.
Speedline Technologies Inc.