
MYDATA automation AB announces a new version of its machine control software: TPSys 2.4.3. Designed for high-mix production with sophisticated vision technology and networking capabilities. New features include faster assembly speed and a new calibration method (patent pending).

Placement area calibration methods tend to depend on large, dot-matrix calibration boards that are difficult to manufacture accurately, and are very sensitive to heat and moisture. The new calibration method utilizes a much smaller calibration device that is automatically moved to a number of predefined positions within the placement area. An advanced mathematical algorithm then combines the measurements from each position and calculates the correction data for the entire area. The result is more accurate calibration, using a calibration device that is insensitive to handling and storage conditions.
A number of functions for faster assembly speed have also been implemented. Improvements such as faster tool changes, faster conveyor board changes and faster board level measurement, along with improved optimization, can reportedly boost actual throughput by up to 15%.
Features a simplified user interface for operators, and auto-teach of components up to 132 x 26 mm
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