Letters Industry Needs Leadership on Trade Shows

In February the IPC took the unusual step of releasing a letter to the industry rationalizing the launch of its new Midwest Conference and Exhibition. I found this rather odd. A Pandora’s box was recently opened because of the split between Canon Communications and SMTA over Assembly Technology Expo. In response, the SMTA has launched its own show, while Canon and IPC will battle it out in Chicago during the same week in September. I believe a reality check is in order.

As a founding member of the IPC’s Trade Show subcommittee in the early 1990s, our goals were focus, fairness and cost. At that time, the industry was consolidating and trade show costs were skyrocketing. Marketing budgets were under assault and profit margins were shrinking. A new show, IPC Printed Circuits Expo, was started – of, by, and for the industry. Later, Apex was founded in response to many of the same pressures.

Since then, the industry has consolidated substantially and changed radically. There are perhaps one-third the number of manufacturing sites there were in 1991-92. Margins are thinner than ever. The supplier base has consolidated. And yet, we are facing simultaneous shows in the same city, and another two weeks later, all targeting the same customer base. Three shows means three times the expense for the exhibitors, as well as for many of those attending.

As a businessman, I must maximize the return on my company’s investment. Exhibiting at all three does not make sense. Instead of spending money on sending engineers and personnel to conduct our daily business, we are being asked to redirect these resources to what clearly will be three weakened shows. With our customers demanding higher performance at lower prices, the considerable added expense to service what is basically a zero sum game seems illogical.

I would ask that all parties try to work together to resolve these issues. Our industry needs focus and leadership now more than ever. As Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together, or surely we will all hang separately.”

Matthew Holzmann
President, Christopher Associates Inc.

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