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STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN -- Starting Jul. 1, Sweden will levy taxes on electrical and electronics products containing specific toxic substances.

The law targets flame retardants including brominated compounds, chloride compounds and phosphorus compounds.

The regulation divides products into two groups, white goods and everything else, and offers lower taxes on products with lower levels of the restricted substances. It goes into effect Apr. 1, and specifies that Sweden will begin to levy taxes on products sold domestically on or after Jul. 1.

Electrical and electronics products cover white electrical appliances and other products including ovens, freezers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, telephones, routers, recreational machines and computers. 

Taxes to be Levied on Electrical and Electronic Products




White home appliances

SEK 8/ kg

Products shall be levied for their net weights (excluding the weight of their packaging and instructions)


SEK 120/ kg

There is a possibility to reduce the tax due by either 50% or 90%, provided the concentration of certain chemicals does not exceed preset limits, generally 0.1% (1,000ppm).

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