SAN JOSE – SEMI ( has formed a working group of member company volunteers to provide expertise and guidance on intellectual property issues. Most of the activities are centered on education and government relations.
The group recently commissioned a best practices paper on IP protection. The paper, "Intellectual Property Best Practices for a Global Marketplace,"
focuses on protecting trade secrets, leveraging patent protection and
handling infringement issues. Written by Peter Mikhail of the San
Francisco-based law firm of
Parsons, Hsue and deRuntz, it examines these issues primarily from a U.S. perspective.
Furthermore, in May top industry executives met with the Director of
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the U.S. IP Coordinator and
several trade negotiators in May. The working group will continue to
provide input and technical briefings to trade negotiators, patent
examiners and other key government representatives.
Interested parties should contact Maggie Hershey at