

New York -- Dr. Jennie Hwang will share her 15-year lead-free development knowledge and real-world production know-how in a series of lead-free courses in the New York area next week.

Attendees to each half-day course will receive a workbook and Dr. Hwang’s three current textbooks, including: Environment-Friendly Electronics and Implementing Lead-free Electronics.
Register for any or all courses at:

August 8, AM: Part 1 & 2, Lead-Free Preparation for Implementation
August 8, PM: Part 3, Lead-Free Implementation & Production
August 9, AM: Part 4, Lead-Free Reliability & Manufacturing
August 9, PM: Part 5, Lead-Free System Compatibility--Materials and Processes
August 10, AM: Part 6, Lead-Free & the Role of Bi
For more info and individual course details, visit:

Dr. Hwang holds a number of patents and is the author of over 250 publications. She has served as National president of the SMTA and on the board of ASM International. Dr. Hwang is a member of the U.S. Commerce Department Export Council and the newly formed National Research Council Globalization Committee. She is currently a partner of H-Technologies Group Inc. and an adjunct professor at the Engineering School of Case Western Reserve University.

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