

EL SEGUNDO, CAiSuppli Corp. has announced a free Webinar on the PMP/MP3 market. Time to Grow Up and Face the Music will take place Aug. 15 at 11:30 am EST.
Chris Crotty, senior analyst for consumer platforms at iSuppli will discuss market share figures for PMP/MP3 makers and their semiconductor suppliers; shipment and revenue forecasts, including media and product mix outlooks; market drivers; whether a viable challenger to Apple will ever arise, and the latest retailer and consumer demographic data.
The Webinar will answer such questions as, Will NAND flash be capable of meeting the storage needs of video-capable productions? Will PMP/MP3 makers be able to source sufficient supplies of NAND-type flash memory for their data storage needs? Can PMP/MP3 controller vendors continue to endure severe price erosion for their products? Which new technologies will help maintain the momentum of PMP/MP3 player sales?
The increasing pervasiveness of broadband connectivity, the rising availability of content, and the continued reductions in component costs have contributed to the portable media player and MP3 player markets becoming the fastest growing segments of the consumer electronics market today, says iSuppli.
Although Apple Inc. gets the lion’s share of attention in the PMP/MP3 player market, the market is highly fragmented, with about 100 product manufacturers supplying both OEMs and their own brands, says the research firm.
During the next few years, the number of companies in the business is likely to dwindle, as the less competitive players are acquired or are squeezed out of the market entirely, believes iSuppli.
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