

Hysol QMI5100 and Hysol QMI5200 are dicing die attach films designed to streamline the die attach process, particularly for stacked die applications. Combine properties and functions of die attach film and dicing tape into one product; dual structured materials. Reportedly only need to laminate film to backside of wafer; dice the wafer; pick the die and move to die placement; leave no burrs after dicing; eliminate common bleed issues. Said to remove the need for dispensing or curing equipment or process steps. QMI5100 is 10 µm thick material. QMI5200 is available in a thickness of 20 µm; approved for use on DA1 and/or DAX. Primarily for flash and DRAM devices. Die placement down to 0.1 sec. Formulated as pressure sensitive release materials.

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