

Conference: October 8-11, 2024

Exhibition: Wednesday, October 9, 2024

PCB West, the largest event for the PCB supply chain in the Silicon Valley, returns to the Santa Clara Convention Center, CA with a four-day conference on October 8-11 and a one-day exhibition on October 9. For over 30 years, PCB West has trained designers, fabricators and, lately, assemblers on making printed circuit boards for every product or use imaginable. Electronics engineers and designers alike can look forward to returning to the Santa Clara Convention Center in 2023 to continue their pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Don’t miss this event – because it wouldn’t be fall without PCB West!

The four-day technical conference continues to deliver the same leading-edge information with over 150 hours of training by world-class instructors.

The exhibition is a one-day event featuring 100+ leading supplier as well as free sessions throughout the day.

PCB West offers:

  • Four days of world-class training
  • Certificate program for professional development hours
  • One-day exhibition with 100+ suppliers 
  • Networking with peers and industry experts

For more information, please visit 



"PCB West was fantastic and it was encouraging to see so many people there. Attendance levels are up and it looked like more people were there than even before Covid. I am excited to see how PCB West and PCB East grow in the future. For all my friends and colleagues, if you're serious about PCB design, want to grow your skills and learn the latest, or want to move into a career as a professional PCB designer or "full stack" hardware engineer, then you need to get to these events. They pay for themselves immediately with what you will learn, as well as the connections and opportunities you will make by attending. " — Ben Jordan, engineer, JordanDSP LLC

"Congratulations on the best show yet! Your hard work and vision paid off for all of us. Great job. We had a ball. " — John Lee, vice president of marketing & brand strategy, Insulectro

"Thank you so much for putting on a great conference. It was extremely informative with many great sessions and exhibitors. This was the first technical conference I’ve attended in my career so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but last week definitely exceeded my expectations. I’m excited to be able to take some great information and learning back to my organization." — Josh Dornseifer, engineer, Nexteer

“I hear from our sales team that it was a great show!” — Ryan Moore, director of marketing, HZO, Inc.

“This was one of, if not the best, PCB West conferences I have ever attended. The industry buzz and PCEA euphoria was everywhere." — Stephen Chavez, MIT, CPCD, CID+, chairman, PCEA




  • Tweet using #PCBWest and follow us on @PCBWest @PCBWest
  • Join our PCB West Linkedin Group
  • Like us on Facebook
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For a PDF of the 2024 Advertising Guide: click here

For a PDF of the 2024 Editorial Calendar: click here

For a link to the 2024 Editorial Calendar: click here

To advertise with PCD&F/CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY in digital, online, or in the PCB UPdate e-newsletter, please contact:

Will Bruwer
Senior Sales Executive
p: 404-313-1539
Contact sales here



Print/Tablet/Mobile ...................................360K

Online ..................................................... 1.13M

Social ..................................................... 415K+


Subscribers/Followers ............................. 250K+

Annual Engagements ............................... 3.3M+



Americas.................................................... 59%

Asia ........................................................... 18%

Europe/ME ................................................. 17%

Africa/Oceania ............................................. 6%



Printed Circuit Engineering Association (PCEA)® ( is a nonprofit association that promotes printed circuit engineering as a profession and encourages, facilitates, and promotes the exchange of information and integration of new design concepts through communications, seminars, workshops, and professional certification through a network of local and regional PCEA-affiliated groups. PCEA serves the global PCB community through print, digital and online products, as well as live and virtual events. PCEA publishes PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGN & FAB ( and CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY (, as well as the PCB UPdate ( e-newsletter. PCEA also produces the PRINTED CIRCUIT UNIVERSITY ( online training platform, and trade shows and conferences, including PCB East (, PCB West ( the PCB2Day workshop series, and PCEA Training (, the training and certification company.


PCEA focuses on these core constituencies, which substantively overlap: printed circuit board designers, fabricators, assemblers, and their suppliers. Their sizes range from small to mid-size regional companies to the largest multinational electronics companies in the world. Our readers are corporate managers and executives, engineers, and engineering managers.


Tap into the right mix of PCEA’s influential media platforms to reach our target audience of strategic decision-makers. They are industry leaders: decision-makers with the authority to recommend or buy your products and services. The combined subscriber audience for the PCEA brands and shows is more than 250,000 industry professionals worldwide, including qualified buyers and influencers. Overall, PCEA has more than 3.3 million engagements with industry professionals through all our digital, online, face-to-face events and other media.


Leverage our PCEA industry-leading brands with a corporate membership – price points and packages to fit all company’s budgets and needs!




For more than 40 years, we have published the leading technical journal for the electronics industry: PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGN & FAB/CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY. The digital edition is published 12 times a year, with bonus print distribution at key industry events.

Enjoy our state-of-the-art mobile-friendly digital magazine platform, which is built to be read on digital devices. We offer a vertical, mobile scrolling content up-and-down format instead of forcing users to slide, click or flip through each page in the old digital edition format. Special digital-only enhancements and advertising rates available!


The PCB UPdate newsletter delivers fresh news and technical content to thousands of readers worldwide on a thrice-weekly basis, with a "stop-what-you're-doing-and-read-this-now" value proposition. They offer the best opportunity to put your brand or solution in front of key buyers on a high frequency basis.


Leverage PCEA’s highly responsive, mobile-friendly websites, and, to put your solutions in front of the key industry buyers you want to reach. Placing an ad on the PCEA sites gain you exposure to tens of thousands of the qualified engineers and executives you need to reach. The site has a variety of different locations to meet your needs. All ad positions include detailed analytics on reader engagement.


Reach tens of thousands of engineers online via our social media vehicles:

LinkedIn: PCEA, PCB West, PCB East, PCEA Training, PCDF Group, PCB2Day Group, EMS Group, SMT Processing Group, Mike Buetow, and Frances Stewart

Twitter (X): PCEA, PCB West, PCB2Day, and Mike Buetow

Facebook: PCB West, PCB East, Circuits Assembly, and Printed Circuit Design & Fab

Instagram: PCB West and PCB East

TikTok: PCEA

YouTube: PCEA Official

Our podcast series: PCB Chat.


PCB East, the electronic industry’s East Coast conference and trade show, returns June 4-7, 2024, with a four-day conference and a one-day exhibition at the Boxboro Regency Hotel and Conference Center in Boxborough, MA. This event is a much-needed opportunity for the design community, as well as fabricators and assemblers, to get together and check out the latest technology.

PCB West, the largest event for the PCB supply chain in the Silicon Valley, returns to the Santa Clara Convention Center, CA for a four-day conference October 8-11, 2024, and a one-day exhibition October 9. For more than 30 years PCB West has trained designers, engineers, fabricators and, lately, assemblers on making printed circuit boards for every product or use imaginable.

Engineering Tomorrow’s Technology!


PCEA’s awards programs are the most prestigious in the electronics design and manufacturing industry. They include the annual Service Excellence Awards which since 1991 has recognized the top EMS companies and electronics assembly suppliers and it is the only such program based on actual feedback from one’s customers. The 2024 Service Excellence Awards will be presented at the SMTA International trade show in October 2024.

The NPI Awards, which debuted in 2008, recognizes the leading new products for electronics assembly and fabrication during the past 12 months. The awards are selected by an independent panel of practicing industry engineers and are presented annually each spring.


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