

Signal Integrity Office Hours with Eric Bogatin.

Note: Must be registered and logged in at Printed Circuit University to view transcript. Registration is free.

Email Blasts

Email blasts are an affordable way to initiate direct contact with CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY subscribers – direct contact that can be personalized and customized to meet your company’s marketing goals.

CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY takes great care not to fatigue our email database. We do, however, have a segment of our subscribers who opted in and indicated that they would like additional information via email from industry suppliers and services.

Opt-in email blasts are handled by UP Media Group, and the initial cost is $360/m. Please add a flat fee of $150 to include your suppression list of 100k or less. Tracking is a flat fee of $75. Please allow a 10-day window for your blast to be emailed, as we monitor our database to avoid list fatigue.

Email lists may be selected at an additional $10/m per category, based on these selections from the CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY subscription form:

  • Geographical region
  • Primary industry
  • Job function

Any of these options can be combined to create a customized list to reach your best prospects.

List rental policies. Minimum and maximum order is 5,000 names. Please allow a 10-day window for your blast to be emailed, as we monitor our database to avoid list fatigue.

Use approval. All orders must be accompanied by a sample mailing piece for approval. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any order for list rental.

Payment terms. Prepaid.

Partner with PCD&F. Opt-in subscribers to PCD&F, the trade publication for the printed circuit board design and fabrication market, are also available for email blasts. For information, contact Jennifer Schuler.


Print reprints. For pricing and specifications, contact Mallory Gonser, Foster Printing, / p: 866-879-9144 ext. 145 / f: 219-561-2009,

Electronic reprints. Email Chelsey Drysdale for information and pricing. Electronic reprints include a .pdf file with:

  • The issue cover, including your company’s marketing copy, if desired.
  • Your article in full color and fully formatted as it appeared in the print issue. Plus, you will own the rights to electronically post and distribute your article – for life!

PCB UPdate is the industry-leading e-newsletter, bringing relevant news, timely stories and important updates to previously published news items to 16,000 opt-in subscribers each issue.

Published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, PCB Update is ideal for those who don’t have time to search the Web for industry news, articles and upcoming events. Each issue is also archived at

PCB UPdate offers online advertising opportunities, including text ads and a variety of banner ad sizes. Page impressions and click-through statistics are available monthly. For more information, see our Media Kit.

News coverage in PCB UPdate.

Send press releases to Mike Buetow, or Chelsey Drysdale,


Advertising in PCB UPdate

For information on advertising in PCB UPdate contact:

Frances Stewart 
VP, Sales and Marketing
p: 678-817-1286

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Few media outlets have mastered the art of true integration of print and Web. Readers use the Web as a giant index, and is where they come to get breaking news, critical solutions to manufacturing problems, market forecasts and more. Our search engine optimization is best-in-class. Leverage your marketing by promoting your products and services through our online advertising offerings.

CIRCUITSASSEMBLY.COM (all rates net per month)
Premium Banner: $1,500
Top Banner: $1,250
Middle Banner: $1,000
Bottom Banner: $850
Skyscraper: $1,000
Large Tile/Video Ad: $1,500
Mini-skyscraper: $1,200
Tile: $850
Note: Ads appear on all pages within website

Online Advertising Specifications
Dimensions (pixels) / Maximum Size / Loop Limit
Banner (all): 468 x 60 / 32k / none
Tile: 125 x 125 / 15k / none

Mini-skyscraper: 125 x 250 / 32k / none
Skyscraper: 125 x 600 / 32k / none

Large Tile: 336 x 280 / 80k / none

Video: 336 x 252 / max. file size 1.2MB / no looping

Splash screen: 640 x 480 / 100k / no looping

Banners: animated or static GIF, or static JPG files

Videos: .flv and .mp4 files accepted. Recommended length is 10-30 seconds.

For a pdf showing graphical representations of ads, click here.

Web Statistic Reports

Page impressions and click-through statistics are sent monthly via email. Other statistics available upon request.

UP Media Group also owns and produces the following websites:

Partner with Printed Circuit Design & Fab. Discounted pricing is available for package programs with PCD&F. For information/rates, contact Krista Fabian (302-519-4064).


The Myth of 'Clicks'

When it comes to digital advertising, "click-throughs" are no longer king.

That's what leading online brands such as Facebook have learned. According to Brad Smallwood, Facebook head of measurement and insights, "While designing online ads to garner clicks makes sense for certain types of companies -- such as e-commerce firms trying to ring up immediate online sales -- clicks are not relevant to brand marketers."

For brand advertisers, fine-tuning the number of times a consumer sees an ad as well as ensuring that the ad has reached all of its target audience are far more effective techniques, most leading firms have learned. The best approach, these companies say, is to think of a website as a digital billboard: Put your ad in the right place, and you'll be sure all your prospects see it. That's how you build a brand in the digital age: one viewer, and not one click, at a time.

Print Advertising Specifications

CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY Ad Size / Non-bleed / Trim Bleed

Spread 15 x 10 (381x254 mm) / 16 x 10 7⁄8 (406x276 mm) / 16 1⁄4 x 11 1⁄8 (413x283 mm)

Full page 7 x 10 (178x254 mm) / 8 x 10 7⁄8 (203x276 mm)/  8 1⁄4 x 11 1⁄8 (210x283 mm)

2⁄3 vertical 4 5⁄8 x 10 (117x254 mm) / 5 x 10 7⁄8 (124x276 mm) / 5 1⁄8 x 11 1⁄8 (130x283 mm)

1⁄2 island 4 1⁄2 x 7 1⁄2 (114x191 mm) / N/A / N/A

1⁄2 horizontal 7 x 4 7⁄8 (178x124 mm) / 8 x 5 1⁄4 (203x133 mm) / 8 1⁄4 x 5 3⁄8 (210x140 mm)

1⁄2 horizontal spread 14 3⁄4 x 4 7⁄8 (375x124 mm) / 16 x 5 1⁄4 (406x133 mm) / 16 1⁄4 x 5 1⁄8 (413x140 mm)

1⁄2 vertical 3 3⁄8 x 10 (86x254 mm) / 3 3⁄4 x 10 7⁄8 (95x276 mm) / 4 x 11 1⁄8 (102x283 mm)

1⁄3 vertical 2 1⁄4 x 10 (57x254 mm) / 2 3⁄4 x 10 7⁄8 (66x276 mm) / 2 7⁄8 x 11 1⁄8 (73x283 mm)

1⁄3 square 4 5⁄8 x 4 7⁄8 (117x124 mm) / N/A/  N/A

1⁄4 vertical 3 3⁄8 x 4 7⁄8 (86x124 mm)/  N/A / N/A

For a pdf showing graphical representations of print display ads, click here.

 (Note: CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY is a saddle-stitched publication. Keep type and vital matter 1⁄2˝ from trim on all sides. Allow 1⁄8˝ trim at top, bottom, face and gutter. All measurements in inches unless noted.)

Assembly Insider Dimensions

Ad Size Non-bleed Trim Bleed

1/2 Assembly Insider 7 x 4.87 (178x124 mm) N/A N/A

1/3 Assembly Insider 4.62 x 4.46 (117x113 mm) N/A N/A

1/6 Assembly Insider 2.22 x 4.46 (56x113 mm) N/A N/A

1/12 Assembly Insider 2.22 x 2.14 (56x54 mm) N/A N/A

(Note: CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY is a saddle-stitched publication. Keep type and vital matter 1⁄2˝ from trim on all sides. Allow 1⁄8˝ trim at top, bottom, face and gutter. All measurements in inches unless noted.)

For a pdf showing graphical representations of Assembly Insider ads, click here.

Accepted file types, We prefer Adobe CS4 Macintosh native applications: InDesign; Illustrator (all text must be converted to outlines); Photoshop (all text layers must be converted to shapes). Press-ready

PDFs are accepted if created with Acrobat Distiller “Press” job options. Quark XPress, Pagemaker and Windows files must be exported to a press-ready PDF using Acrobat Distiller “Press” job options.



• Build pages to trim and extend bleed 1⁄8 inch beyond page edge. Please include crop marks in final PDF.

• Placed art must be EPS or TIFF formats only and must be placed at 100% size.

• TIFF images must be at least 300 dpi.

• All art must be in CMYK mode, unless the client is paying for a spot color.

• Avoid rotation and cropping of images in layout program.

• Images nested in an EPS file must be included with collected files.

• Use PostScript Type 1 fonts only.

• Menu-styled, Multiple Master and True Type fonts are not accepted.

Required files.

  • All screen and printer fonts, including those that are embedded.
  • All image/art files, including those that are nested or embedded.

Production charges. Changes to ads are subject to additional charges.For more information on advertising specifications and formats, contact Krista Fabian,

Please send all ad materials to: Krista Fabian via email:


Or you may send ad materials via software programs such as YouSendIt or Fetch. The email should go to Please include advertiser name, ad size and month of insertion, and complete contact details in case of questions. You will be advised via email if the ad has been approved or if different materials are required.

For more information on advertising specifications and formats, contact Rebekah Just, production manager, at 702-308-5050;

Advertising Policies

Issuance and deadlines. CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY is published the first week of each month.

Frequency discounts and policies. To qualify for multiple insertion discounts, the advertiser must fulfill contract schedules within 12 months of initial insertion. If the contract is not completed within that time period, the advertiser will be billed for the rate differential of actual insertions against the insertions contracted for.

Combined frequency discount. Insertions in PCD&F may be combined with insertions in CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY to earn the best frequency discount within a 12-month contract year.

Commission and Payment Terms

a. 15% to agencies on space, color and position. Not commissionable: artwork, engravings, printing or reprints. Agency commission of 15% will not be allowed on any bills past 60 days or longer. Advertiser and agency are jointly and severally liable for all charges.

b. CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY must receive confirmation on new agency appointments from the advertising account.

c. Terms: UP Media Group, Inc. terms of sale are net payable 30 days from the date of invoice. Costs and fees to collect past due balances will be the responsibility of the advertiser and agency.

d. Cancellations after insertion order closing date are subject to a 25% cancellation fee of net account.

Publisher’s Terms

1. All orders are subject to acceptance by UP Media Group, Inc.

2. No conditions other than those set forth in this rate card shall be binding upon UP Media Group, Inc., unless specifically agreed to by UP Media Group, Inc. in writing.

3. Positioning of advertisements is at the sole discretion of UP Media Group, Inc., except where a specific position has been agreed to by UP Media Group, Inc. in writing.

4. Cancellations or changes in advertising by the advertiser or its agency may not be made after the closing date for the publication or product. UP Media Group, Inc. is under no obligation to revise advertising materials not received by the UP Media Group, Inc. production department by the closing date, and such advertisements may not be subject to approval by the advertiser or its agency.

5. UP Media Group, Inc. assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in key numbers appearing in advertisements.

6. UP Media Group, Inc. is not liable for any delays in the production or delivery of the publication or product due to any conditions beyond UP Media Group, Inc.’s control.

7. In consideration of UP Media Group, Inc.’s publishing advertising (or distributing another product) for the advertiser, the advertiser and its agency agree to indemnify and defend UP Media Group, Inc. against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of UP Media Group, Inc.’s printing, publishing or distributing such advertising (or another product) and/or arising from third parties’ access to advertiser’s site and use of advertiser’s products and services.

8. In no event shall UP Media Group, Inc. be liable for any consequential, incidental or special damages, nor shall its liability for any act, error or omission, whether or not due to its negligence, exceed the price paid to UP Media Group, Inc. for the publication or distribution of such materials.

9. UP Media Group, Inc. reserves the right to hold the advertiser and its agency jointly and severally liable for all monies that are due and payable to UP Media Group, Inc.

10. Advertising in UP Media Group, Inc.’s online products and services is subject to the terms of the applicable online insertion order.

11. All payments are due within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Noncommissionable charges, such as production charges, are not subject to an advertising agency commission. Agency commissions are not payable on invoices that are not paid within sixty (60) days of the date of the invoice. Advertiser shall pay a late charge of 1% per month (12% per year) on all invoices not paid within thirty (30) days of the date of such invoices.

Print Advertising Rates

Frequency (monthly)
Size            1x    3x    6x    12x
Inside Front Cover    -    -    $7,140    $6,530
Inside Back Cover    -    -    $7,000    $6,190
Back Cover        -    -    $7,560    $6,700
Full Page        $5,780    $5,600    $5,180    $4,800
2/3 Page        $4,760    $4,560    $4,170    $3,900
1/2 Island        $4,330    $4,180    $3,800    $3,560
1/2 Page        $3,790    $3,680    $3,420    $3,180
1/3 Page        $3,100    $3,000    $2,780    $2,600
1/4 Page        $2,640    $2,580    $2,400    $2,260
Note: All rates four-color, net. All ads in print also appear in digital edition.

Several discounts and combination or package programs may apply. Contact Krista Fabian for details at or 302-519-4064.

Print and online classified ads, including discounted package programs, are available. To reserve your Classified ad space, contact Krista Fabian.

Assembly Insider is a special advertising section composed of 4-color ads grouped together on a page. Available in four sizes (1⁄12-page, 1⁄6-page, 1⁄3-page and 1/2-page), these ads are a cost-effective way for your company to get its message to the entire global CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY audience.

The Assembly Insider section is listed in the table of contents, and advertisers are included in the advertiser’s index. To reserve your Assembly Insider ad space, contact Krista Fabian at or 302-519-4064.

Assembly Insider Rates

(All rates are net per month and include 4-color)

Size 1x 3x 6x 12x

1/2 Assembly Insider $1,850 / $1,790 / $1,750 / $1,650

1/3 Assembly Insider 1,110 / 1,040 / 1,000 / 900

1/6 Assembly Insider 600 / 570 / 550 / 500

1/12 Assembly Insider 350 / 335 / 325 / 300

Inserts. Insert rates are quoted on an individual basis. Rates vary according to size of insert and method of attachment. Contact Krista Fabian at kfabian@upmediagroup or 302-519-4064 for a complete quote.

Prepay discount. A 10% discount is extended to all prepaid programs. Payments can be made by credit card, check, or wire transfer.

Combination package programs. Reach more prospects and build sales by combining the power of print, online, newsletter and/or trade show advertising. Contact Krista Fabian at kfabian@upmediagroup or 302-519-4064 for discounted rates.

Partner with PCD&F. Discounted pricing is available for package programs with Printed Circuit Design & Fab magazine. Contact your salesperson for details.

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