Hysol UF3800 is said to provide room temperature fast flow, low temperature cure and reworkability. Is for use with CSPs and BGAs; is suited for handheld communication and entertainment applications. Is halogen-free, with less than 900 ppm chlorine and bromine. Is compatible with a variety of Pb-free and halogen-free solder pastes. Offers a high glass transition temperature. Reportedly offers stable electrical performance under temperature humidity bias.
Henkel, www.henkel.com/electronics
Cobar MCI-2330 is a stencil-cleaning agent for removal of solder paste and adhesive residues from all types of stencils. For used in immersion and ultrasonic cleaning equipment for removal of paste or flux residues on stencils and assemblies. Is nonhazardous and has a low odor.
Balver Zinn Group, www.balverzinn.com
Cobar Europe, www.cobar.com
Araldite EP1000 A/B epoxy adhesive is a two-part, thixotropic paste with a convenient 2:1 mix ratio and low viscosity that accommodates handling. Comes in dual-barrel cartridge mixing kits for waste-free application. Cures at temperatures ranging from ambient to 212ºF. Achieves a stable maximum Tg after gelling at room temperature, followed by a mild heat cure. Requires no autoclave cycling. Reportedly has high lap shear strength and good peel strength.
Huntsman Advanced Materials, www.huntsman.com/advancedmaterials
WS177 lead-free water-soluble solder paste is said to meet standards for solder spread and wetting and meet IPC-7095 Class III resistance to voiding under straight ramp or soak reflow profiles. Is reportedly fully cleanable after two paste reflow cycles, with a wide cleaning process window. Is compatible with SN100C and SN97C alloys with Type 3,4 and 5 solder meshes. Can be used with OSP, ENIG, immersion silver, and immersion tin finishes.
FCT Assembly, www.fctassembly.com