SelectaFlux Retrofit ultrasonic selective fluxing system has been designed to retrofit into all major selective soldering machines and is said to be compatible with all flux types, including Pb-free. Requires a simple trigger signal to operate and has controlled velocity spray. Combines Microspray ultrasonic atomizing nozzle with low air pressure. Spray is restricted through a separately controlled module that handles input and output. The distance between the nozzle and substrate can be varied from near-contact to approximately 50.8 mm. Contains a digital display for nozzle power and panel-mounted nozzle power, flow rate and air pressure adjustments, plus an alarm output for nozzle malfunction. Is 432 mm width x 305 mm height, and 221 mm diameter.
LMF Series fiber laser markers have high peak power and pulse frequencies; can mark text, barcodes or graphics and can be integrated into existing lines. Mark "on the fly," enabling marking/engraving of a moving product. Come in 10W and 20W versions capable of Q-switch frequencies of 2 to 500 kHz. Features include PC, touchscreen, standalone or pendant operation, intuitive and customizable marking interface, integrated rotary and XYZ motion, LAN connectivity, and an inline camera option.
Miyachi Unitek,
LTS-QFP is a programmable, automated machine that reconditions QFP and FP component leads for high reliability or RoHS applications. Has robotic part handling device that picks QFPs from a loading platform with a vacuum head. Component is inspected by camera for location. Flux is applied to the leads. Has two solder pots said to eliminate bridging. Is based on the LTS200 platform. Can be programmed to handle transistors, capacitors, diodes, axials, radials, pin grid array, sips, dips, connectors and more.
ACE Production Technologies Inc.,
Comes with full native boundary scan test capabilities and VTEP v2.0 Powered vectorless test suite, including Cover-Extend.
Agilent Technologies,