Featuring ProfitPro, an Excel-based software application that calculates the cost and profit related to PWB assembly, the SMTA Cost Estimating Guidelines are intended to model real-time cost estimating (RTCE) in the electronics industry. The guidelines are arranged by Dr. Ronald C. Lasky, Indium Corp. of America/Dartmouth College.
Using these production variables such as cycle time, hours/shift, shifts/day, days/week, set up time and dowtime, ProfitPro can model RTCE for high-volume, low-mix to low-volume, high-mix lines. Has default values of unknown cost metrics, can calculate "what-if" scenarios, including:
- The amount of profit gained if setup time is reduced.
- The amount of profit gained if cycle time is decreased.
- The amount of profit gained if new equipment or materials increases productivity.