
SP200-AV is an easy-to-operate semiautomatic stencil printer. The only manual task is placing the PCB into the machine. All other operations – including the positioning of the PCB – are fully automatic. Reportedly produces precise reproducible printing results. Designed for serial production, but can also be used for small batches due to the simple changeover.

Fast two-point-vision system provides a precise alignment of every PCB. To guarantee exact positioning for printing, two cameras look straight through the stencil onto the PCB. The cleanliness of the stencil and the alignment are checked simultaneously; misalignment is corrected automatically.

Control software is based on Windows, has built-in mouse and keyboard. All printing parameters are programmable with unlimited storage capacity for printing programs.

Side drawer provides simple loading and unloading. Frames of 584 x 584 mm can be mounted; maximum printing area is 400 x 360 mm.


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