These three pick-and-place machines offer head-mounted cameras and Cognex processing for non-contact vision placement of 0201 chips to 16 x 14 mm SMDs and fine-pitch QFPs. Include a bottom vision camera for larger components to 38 x 38 mm. Said to have placement accuracy of ± .002" (± .05 mm) by linear-encoded X-Y drive mechanisms. Reportedly have availability of advanced time pressure digital dispensing for application at dot sizes down to 0.015 mm diameter. Use MC-300 Series control software. The MC-384 has a single head and a reported placement area of 14.5" x 13.4" for a capacity of 128 smart tape feeders. Its throughput is 4,000 cph. The MC-391 includes a three-stage conveyor and is said to have a speed of 5,500 cph on a large 14.75" x 23.4" placement area that can accommodate 160 tape feeders. The MC-387 has a 39.4" x 12" work area; can contain 224 smart tape feeders. Placement speed is said to be 5,500 cph.