Cion ICT Adapter is a relay card for integration into fixture adapter systems for ICT. Enables switching of 32 test channels from the ICT to Scanflex. Prohibits a collision of both systems’ signals; minimizes dynamic effects because of multiple wiring at critical nets. Two LEDs indicate 5 V supply and activation state. Is available in different assembly variants: Relay Adapter SL is equipped with pin contact strips and suits bird nest wiring by wire wrap into adapter systems, as well as wiring a 50-pin ribbon cable, as used in DIO plug modules; Relay Adapter BU and Relay Adapter BU90 are single-sided, equipped with connector strips; enable direct pluggable connection to Cion Modules such as FXT96 in both horizontal and vertical directions. Can be used with plug-in card transceivers. Boundary scan TAP signals are switched with relay adapter similar to TIC02/SR modules. Switching 32 PIP signals is possible with one card.
Goepel electronic,