
Rohde & Schwarz's R&S ZNB3000 vector network analyzer is designed for high-volume production and short ramp-up time environments such as large-scale production of RF components.

Features frequency ranges from 9kHz to 4.5GHz, 9GHz, 20GHz and 26.5GHz, a dynamic range of up to 150 dB and a trace noise of less than 0.0015dB RMS. Is also said to have the highest output power in class, e.g., +11dBm at 26.5GHz. Segmented sweep feature uses flexible intermediate frequency bandwidth (IFBW) and power levels to speed up measurements for different parts of the filter structure. Filters can be easily test tuned for compliance with pass/fail limit lines. Can be scaled up for multiport measurements up to 48 ports, and features numerous software and hardware options for broader application support.

Rohde & Schwarz

RS ZNB3000

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