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BANNOCKBURN, IL – IPC has released IPC-T-50 Revision M, Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits.

This standard provides common language of terms and definitions for the electronics industry. This revision reportedly delivers the most
up-to-date descriptions and illustrations of electronic interconnect industry terminology.

IPC-T-50M brings more than 150 new and revised terms, while also eliminating out-of-date terminology. Specifically, this revision includes terms often cited in other standards, such as conformal coating, statistical process control, and stencil design.

“Our goal is to update the IPC-T-50 standard as often as possible with significant terms and technology. We want to keep the document relevant in today’s rapidly changing industry,” said John Perry, IPC director of printed board standards and technology. “To accomplish this, we solicited input from subject matter experts within the electronic industry who worked on standards, such as the IPC-6012C, Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards, the IPC-6013C, Qualification and Performance Specification for Flexible Printed Boards, the IPC-HDBK-830, Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Conformal Coatings handbook, and the recent IPC-HDBK-850, Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Potting Materials and Encapsulation Processes Used for Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly handbook.”


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