
DEK has introduced Setup Verification and Traceability for screen printing, to prevent setup errors, maximize screen printing productivity and gather data for continuous improvement. Optional features also now allow manufacturers to achieve board-level traceability.

Includes software and hardware to automatically identify the stencil, paste and other setup variables as the machine is prepared. Verification compares the actual values with those specified in the product file, and can be programmed to halt the machine before printing commences or generate a warning in event of an error. Software supports 1-D and 2-D barcodes, and all data is recorded for analysis.

The optional traceability module and conveyor-mounted barcode reader identify each board entering the machine and link the board ID with the setup verification data, which is stored on the machine's hard drive. This delivers board-level traceability for screen printing.

The optional traceability module and conveyor-mounted barcode reader identify each board entering the machine and link the board ID with the setup verification data, which is stored on the machine's hard drive. This delivers board-level traceability for screen printing.

Records setup variables, as well as ambient temperature and humidity, operator identity and line identity. Data is accessible via a network connection, can be copied onto removable media and can be used as input to statistical process control tools.



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