
SwifTest software platform has new quality assurance features that support Inline QA and real-time trend analysis using Western Electric Co. (WECO) rules.

Inline QA solution randomly selects a configurable number of passing devices and re-bins them to a specific QA bin automatically - resulting in a consistent sample size spread throughout the lot that provides a more uniform representation of the lot. Enables better visibility and QA sampling across an entire lot. For multi-site testing, passing parts are selected from all sites, ensuring measurement of an adequate number of QA samples.

WECO rules measure the quality of stable manufacturing processes while enhancing sensitivity to trends.Violation of WECO rules usually signals major production issues and requires immediate attention. Real-time trend analysis following WECO guidelines immediately notifies test station operators and responsible engineers when rules are violated.

"Pintail is proud to be the first company to offer real-time inline QA and WECO monitoring capabilities to the semiconductor industry for probe and wafer test without impacting the current test process," said Jeff Bibbee, CTO. "Test operations, in particular, should benefit since they have typically been required to perform inline QA by stopping production to manually re-test parts, which hurts operational efficiencyand throughput."

The WECO rules are a standard feature included with SwifTest-Monitor. Inline QA is available as a separately licensed module.

Pintail Technologies,




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