
SFX/USL1149-x Scanflex Boundary Scan controller supports USB2.0 and 10/100 MBit Ethernet interfaces and is offered in performance classes A, B and C.

The models differ in the upper TCK frequency limit (maximum of 20, 50 or 80 MHz, respectively) as well as the implementation level of the enhanced Space II chip set for high performance scan operations. Integrated Fastscale technology allows an upgrade of the controller’s performance class on the fly. Include Adycs II to compensate run time delays and Hyscan for splitting of serial TAP vectors and parallel I/O vectors.

In combination with SFX transceiver and I/O modules, USB2.0 and LAN controlled Boundary Scan systems with up to eight concurrent TAP and 31 additional functional modules can be configured. All TAP provide programmable input and output voltage, input and output impedance, TCK frequency and delay compensation, as well as read-back of output signals and a relay-controlled power signal.

Supported by System Cascon from version 4.2.1 on.

GÖPEL electronic,

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