V12 Measurement Card is for in-circuit and functional testing. Performs power-off in-circuit tests using test voltages as low as 50mV to protect printed circuit boards from electrical overstress. Can test ICs and other sensitive devices without accidentally powering them up.
CheckSum, www.checksum.com
JOT G3 is an all-in-one final tester for smartphones that enables fully automatic tests on wearables like smartwatches. Executes multiple tests. Is compact and capable of running all required DUT interface tests on RF, electrics, mechanics, touch screen, buttons, audio, and plug-in connections.
JOT Automation, www.jotautomation.com
TruView automated x-ray inspection equipment is for LEDs, BGAs, QFNs, and CSP analysis and diagnostics. Automatically captures and analyzes x-ray images from printed circuit board assemblies. A set of algorithms are used to determine if a sample is defective or not. Includes Icarus image analysis software package.
Creative Electron, www.creativeelectron.com
Vego Dynamic AMS 03 speed magazine handler has a cycle time of fewer than 10 sec. Vertically and horizontally mobile conveyor belt transfers incoming printed circuit boards to fixed magazines. Reportedly reduces cycle time by approx. 30% compared to AMS 03D. Only integrated lift/shuttle moves. Lift/shuttle is lighter than previous system. Magazine table does not move.
ASYS Group, www.asys-group.com
IS-T-300 all-in-one selective fluxing and soldering system comes with laser-controlled wave height compensation, jet-fluxing, and CAD data import. Handles double-sided and mixed technology PCBs up to 300 x 500mm, with an option for 460 x 700mm boards. All-titanium solder pot and pump assembly is compatible with either lead-free or eutectic SnPb solder. Heavy duty, X-, Y-, Z-axis drive mechanism ensures repeatable, point-to-point and continuous soldering. 360° wettable nozzles with diameters from 3 to 14mm produce precise, miniature waves that can be programmed to a 0.5mm minimum clearance from adjacent components. Jet fluxer dispenses points or continuous streams of alcohol- or water-based flux through a 0.2mm nozzle.
Manncorp, www.manncorp.com