NearStack 100 Ohm and NearStack 85 Ohm high-speed cable assembly help reduce insertion loss and improve signal integrity.
813-76 is a two-component room-temp.-curing thermally conductive and electrically insulating adhesive.
Lead-free Soldering Process Development and Reliability, edited by Jasbir Bath, covers Pb-free soldering, such as developments in process engineering, solder alloy development, intermetallic compounds, PCB surface finishes and laminates, underfills/encapsulants, conformal coatings and reliability assessments.
Tantalum Stack Polymer O 7360-43 surface mount capacitor is suited and sized for use in high-voltage power management applications such as buck boost converters, filtering, holdup capacitors, and other high ripple current applications that require a small form factor, stable performance, and long operational lifespan.