PRO750 GEN4 coating chamber provides real-time connectivity, continuous monitoring, and unparalleled flexibility for weatherproofing sensitive circuitry.
GF400 is a two-part, liquid silicone-based gap filler that can be cured at room temperature or with heat.
VLAS series low-clamp TransGuard automotive-qualified multilayer varistors (MLVs) are designed to exhibit lower breakdown and clamping voltage to working voltage ratios.
Zenith Alpha 3-D automated optical inspection (AOI) incorporates a “Smart and Dynamic” feature set, plus quality optimization technologies.
Panorama modular conformal coating lines deliver a single point of contact for support and maintenance needs, process improvements, and smart solutions; range of equipment options; minimal operator interaction; closed-loop controls, parameter limits, and inspection; process data; stability and consistency.
FX27 0.8mm pitch high-speed card edge board-to-board connector allows flexible stacking heights.