Board Station XE leverages customers’ existing IP, such as libraries, design data, and design capture infrastructure. This extended design flow is added to existing Board Station design environment. Said to offer the productivity design features found in AutoActive placement, routing and manufacturing environment; integrated access to the Topology Planner/Router and XtremeAR and XtremePCB applications. Said to leverage Board Architect schematic capture tool and is integrated with Library Management System (LMS), DMS (Data Management System), I/O Designer and the Constraint Editor System (CES).  Also integrated in the flow are ICX Pro, ICX, HyperLynx and Quiet Expert.
Mentor Graphics,
The FS2500N flip chip packaging system is reportedly capable of aligning and bonding at 1.7 sec. per chip at 2 micron accuracy. Underfilling chip with gaps of 14 microns has reportedly been demonstrated in production volume with zero voids. Said to be capable of bonding via thermocompression by pulse heating head, thermosonic by 50 KHz ultrasonic system, Au/Au, Au/Sn and solder. Reported chip sizes of up to 20 x 20 mm with more than 800 bumps and pitches of less than 40 microns.
Toray Engineering Co., Ltd.,
CadStar Express includes all the latest features of CadStar 9.0, with a limit of 300 pins and 50 components. A back annotation function is said to smooth file transfer from PCBs into schematics, assisting in ECO management -- particularly those associated with high-speed designs. A Do-It-Yourself booklet was created to guide the user step-by-step through the solution using design examples. The free tool can be downloaded at
The TouchPrint fully automatic stencil printing system (TP2929) reportedly offers less than 5 sec. preprint, as well as accuracy at 12.5 µm and 25 µm respectively. Is a split plane operation and has integrated resistive touch monitor. Feature a bottom-side stencil wiper, vibration squeegee technology and Grid-Lok based bottom-side tooling. Includes digital scan vision, single flying overhead camera gantry operation, passive axis design and an automatic two-cartridge paste dispenser.

XiDAT XD7800 large board format digital x-ray inspection system reportedly covers 24 x 30" and handles boards up to 24.3 x 33". Said to offer oblique angle views of up to 70° for any position 360° around any point of area. Is equipped with the VR160 x-ray tube, reportedly offering feature recognition to 950 nm. Real-time digital inspection reportedly can be achieved at either 1.3 MP viewed on a 20" flat panel LCD display or 2.0 MP viewed on a 24" flat panel LCD display with up to 7,400x magnification. 
Dage Precision Industries,

The SI-C1500 SPI is said to be capable of high-speed, accurate post-reflow visual inspection. Features MOSIAC color processing software that reportedly enhances detection accuracy and speed. Said to extract color elements from each board and identify defects based on color contrast. Features a 1.3 MP color CCD camera. Can view angle-mounted components. 

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