StripFeeder Transition Rail features machined tracks for paper and emboss tape on the same rail. Rail sold individually or in StripFeeder .mod and Mini kits. StripFeeder Transition kits are set up to run three lanes of paper tape and three lanes of emboss tape in 0.25", 0.50", and 0.75" pocket depths. Additional rails can be added, up to 10 per tray for 8mm tape. StripFeeder .mod and Mini systems feature removable rails. StripFeeder Mini can be adjusted by removing rails and repositioning them on base plate at the desired width (4mm pitched pattern). Rails align with precision pin locaters and lock down with magnets. Feature a mechanical lock-spring to hold tape in place by the sprocket hole. Design holds components securely in machined tracks to prevent parts from being miss-picked, flipped in the pocket or lost. Can remove rails to accommodate larger components up to 120mm tape width. Compatible with most types of SMT equipment.
Count On Tools,
Register now for PCB West, the Silicon Valley's largest trade show for printed circuit board design, fabrication and assembly: Sept. 15-17 at the Santa Clara Convention Center
Boundary scan is now available in SPEA3030 multi-core in-circuit test. Boundary scan tests are now possible on all cores of the ICT (up to four). Can perform parallel work and simultaneous test sequences. Parallel test of several units under test can be handled.
Goepel electronics,
JX-350 is a long board SMT placement machine. Is the successor to LED dedicated mounter JX-300LED. Reportedly improves the placement ability of diffusion lenses for LED production. Has reduced weight of beam and revised head drive control; placement speed increased 18% to 32,000cph. Has the option of a newly developed screw type nozzle; can place six pieces of large components up to 25mm diameter or diffusion lenses simultaneously. Screw type nozzle performs pick, recognition and placement in one pass for the six nozzles. Placement range is a max. 650mm in 1 clamp and 1,200mm in 2 clamps. Can handle up to 1,500mm boards. Can select either electric or mechanical feeder for supply method. Matrix Tray Server TR5S is available as an option.
Precision-V no-clean flux remover is nonflammable and non-ozone depleting. Works on no-clean, halide-free, rosin, and aqueous OA fluxes. Has low toxicity.
PF606-P26 no-clean, halogen-free solder paste is said to prevent BGA non-wet opens and head-on-pillow defects. Is printable, wets and solders well even if BGA components are warped.
EP21NDCL two-component epoxy cures optically clear in thin sections. Has a one-to-one mix ratio by weight or volume. Ratio can be adjusted. Cures at room temp. or more quickly at elevated temp. Upon curing, has durable bonds with high tensile lap shear, tensile and compressive strength of 2,600-2,800 psi, 6,500-7,500 psi and 12,000-13,000 psi, respectively. Volume resistivity greater than 1014 ohm-cm. Resists water, oils, fuels, acids, bases and salts. Withstands thermal cycling over a temp. range of -60° to +250°F. Shelf life of a year at 75°F in original, unopened containers. Comes in container kits ranging from 0.5 pint to 5 gal.
Master Bond,