
No. 1017 1000ºF high-temperature bench oven is used for heat processings. Workspace dimensions measure 22" x 22" x 13".  3 KW are installed in Incoloy-sheathed tubular elements to heat the oven chamber, while a recirculating blower provides airflow to the workload. Features 5" insulated walls, stainless steel exterior with #4 brushed finish, Type 304, 3B finish stainless steel interior, integral oven stand and an 8" x 10" double-pane Pyrex/Vycor viewing window. Controls include a digital programming temperature controller and manual reset excess temperature controller with separate control contactors.

The Grieve Corp.,


5R7-570(A) RoHS compliant open board electronic temperature controllers are designed with a proportional integral control algorithm to provide control to thermoelectric modules (Peltier). H-bridge temperature control provides transition between heating and cooling. Green LED for heat and blue LED for cooling indicate mode; simultaneous illumination indicates the load circuit is off due to an open sensor. Pulse width modulation controls power level in thermoelectric module at a base frequency of 1Khz. Power resolution is one of ±250 steps in the load circuit control. Temperature controller is 1.75" x 3.5" x 3" with input voltage of 6 to 28VDC, output voltage of 0 to 36VDC, load current of 0.1 to 12.5A, 450W output power control, control stability of ± 0.1°C, and temperature range of -20° to 150°C.

Oven Industries,

Model 821HH handheld 2kV electrostatic voltmeter enables voltage measurement – in contacting or non-contacting mode – with reportedly zero charge transfer. Is part of Infinitron product line for measurement  of site-specific voltage on devices and materials sensitive to ESD during handling and processing. Probe tip assumes voltage level of the measured object's surface as the tip approaches. Applications include semiconductors, photovoltaics, LEDs, and other electronic devices, as well as materials research. Can be used to measure both conductive and insulative surfaces. Includes measurement range of 0 to +/-2 kV DC or peak AC, input resistance greater than 1x10E+14 ohms, input capacitance less than 1x10E-14 farads, speed of response less than 500us for a 1kV step, and voltage display accuracy of better than 1% of full scale.

Trek Inc.,

Model 806 Power Analyzer is a handheld test instrument that performs measurements to create an energy management program. Features single- and three-phase measurements with auto-configuration to the electrical system specified; true-RMS readings; data logging with 1MB of internal memory and optional FIFO memory to allow continuous recording; a 4th current channel for neutral current measurements; auto-detect clamps; a backlit 160 x 160 pixel LCD, and an RS-232 interface for data downloading to PowerVision analysis software. Offers four test programs to measure and analyze single- and three-phase electrical systems.

Ideal Industries,

Dual solder nozzle is for the selective soldering process. Two different size solder nozzles operate in tandem; a circuit board with different size components can be processed in one pass. Solder nozzles are 3mm or 6mm and 12mm or 18mm. Nozzles operate independently within a single soldering program.  Each nozzle is powered by its own programmable pump; solder volume and wave height can be set for a particular nozzle or printed circuit board assembly.

ACE Production Technologies,


S3088 QC AOI uses machine vision algorithms to inspect post-placement boards, as well as wave and reflow solder joints from orthogonal views. Is equipped with four orthogonal camera modules. Flexible illumination can be adjusted to best fit the desired inspection task. Uses Viscom inspection software with extended features. Uses a new conveyor mechanism.



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