

DEK ( has developed machine interfaces to NPI and MES software tools from Aegis Industrial Software Corp. (, allowing engineers using DEK screen printing platforms to reportedly maximise machine uptime, improve process monitoring and reduce operator mean time to assist (MTTA).


DEK screen printing platforms can now communicate using the Aegis xLink protocol, which allows users to reduce machine programming time for through-hole and surface mount production and inspection process machine interfaces using CircuitCAM, and to benefit from browser-based remote monitoring using iMonitor. The two utilities are part of Aegis' software for managing manufacturing information, which encompasses manufacturing activities from NPI to monitoring and optimising production.


CircuitCAM allows users to quickly create machine programs from CAD design information, working offline to maximise machine uptime. Enables generation of process routing, visual assembly documentation and reports from the input CAD information.


iMonitor collects, analyses and archives real-time data from the screen printer, as well as downstream assembly and test equipment. This information may then be used to improve quality and throughput, detect and react to problems before they escalate, analyse and prioritise problems for optimal corrective action, and to inform continuous improvement activities. Read more ...

Bellows Falls, VT -- Straight cable, coiled cords and high performance flexible products that meet current environmental requirements are available for a range of medical and commercial interconnect applications. Comply with environmental directives such as RoHS and WEEE.

Whitney Blake Co.

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Featuring ProfitPro, an Excel-based software application that calculates the cost and profit related to PWB assembly, the SMTA Cost Estimating Guidelines are intended to model real-time cost estimating (RTCE) in the electronics industry. The guidelines are arranged by Dr. Ronald C. Lasky, Indium Corp. of America/Dartmouth College.


Using these production variables such as cycle time, hours/shift, shifts/day, days/week, set up time and dowtime, ProfitPro can model RTCE for high-volume, low-mix to low-volume, high-mix lines.  Has default values of unknown cost metrics, can calculate "what-if" scenarios, including:

- The amount of profit gained if setup time is reduced.

- The amount of profit gained if cycle time is decreased.

- The amount of profit gained if new equipment or materials increases productivity. Read more ...

National Physical Laboratory has developed a new instrument for measuring solder properties. The advent of lead-free alloys makes it imperative to obtain accurate material properties on volumes of materials under 1mm^3. Instruments must be able to measure and displace small distances, typically a few micrometers to a precision of 0.1µm, and to measure low forces.


NPL has developed a machine that achieves this capability. Measurements are now possible at typical stresses and strains found in solder joints, resulting in realistic fatigue and creep rates. These values are essential for accurate, statistically based life-time predictions of lead-free reliability.


For further information contact:

Dr.Chris Hunt:  

Milos Dusek:

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Cogiscan's feeder setup validation system is reportedly robust and flexible enough for use on all different machine types. The RFID Smart Feeder system can be retrofitted to an existing placement machine in the field. The customer's inventory of feeders can be converted into "Smart" feeders by attaching a low-cost RF tag to each feeder.


Key features:


-         Enables closed-loop feeder and component setup validation

-         Eliminates human errors and reduces changeover time

-         Provides real-time material inventory and traceability

-         Quick and easy retrofit on any machine type

-         Proactively scans all feeder slots in real time.


Can be used in combination with Cogiscan software applications. Can be integrated with feeder set-up verification software from third-party suppliers to eliminate manual barcode scanning at the machine.





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2200 Series BenchMate vibration-free platforms are said to enhance the performance of atomic force microscopes, microhardness testers, profilometers, balances, audio components and other precision tabletop equipment.  Available in three different models, each providing application-specific vibration control with low natural frequency.


Model 2210 features vertical vibration control and uses a passive-air design that can be operated with an optional hand pump if an air source is not available.

Model 2212 uses a self-leveling, active-air unit and is recommended for more regular use.

Model 2214 offers an enhanced, multistage horizontal isolation feature, recommended for applications where both vertical and horizontal vibrations are a problem. The self-leveling, active-air unit that must be connected to a compressor.


Four table sizes are available up to 24 x 36", with table capacities up to 450 lbs. Class 100 cleanroom compatible, with a Class 10 option.  Come with or without mounting holes, which can be tapped on an English (¼-20 x 1") or metric (M6 x 25mm) grid. 


Kinetic Systems Inc.,


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Electronic Device Support Suite (eDSS) is a Web-based software application for remote FlashCORE algorithm development. The development kit includes access to a database of new and existing device algorithms. It is designed for implementing new or derivative electronic devices on FlashCORE-based programming systems.


Enables development engineers to achieve first article build for product testing within minutes rather than weeks. Eliminates complex product verification logistics.


Prepares algorithm executables for debugging and release. Accepts algorithm source code files as an input which produce job card files for testing algorithms.


Backed by online documentation, training materials and videos. User and group administration screens provide developer, quality assurance and administrator process roles.


Data I/O Corp., Read more ...

Dow Corning SE 4451 thermally conductive encapsulant has a pre-qualified, turnkey dispensing process. The combined material-and-process offering is one of the first developments to emerge from the External Equipment Provider Alliance launched by Dow Corning earlier this year.


Designed for the heat-management needs of electronic power devices, the encapsulant offers thermal conductivity of 3W/mK at 25°C and 32,000 cPs viscosity. The material's properties enable fast dispense and cure times.


Dow Corning worked with alliance member and dispensing equipment provider Liquid Control Corp. to develop a turnkey dispensing process for the new encapsulant.


The companies will discuss the product and process during a one-hour online seminar on thermal interface materials on Nov. 11, at 11 a.m. EST. Click for more info

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Version 7.3 of the Trilogy 5000 solution for PCB process preparation and assembly programming operations and the Enterprise 3000 DFM solution for manufacturability and physical design verification of CAD data is now available.


Enhancements to the assembly engineering platform include various feature extensions to the Line Balancing, Documentation Editor and Machine Shapes Manager modules. Siemens SMT machine models S20, S23, S25, HS50, F4 and F5 are now supported..


The updated design environment offers tighter integration to the Cadence Allegro, Mentor Graphics Boardstation and Zuken Board Designer PCB CAD systems. Other extensions to the input/output interfaces include ICT output format. Features BOM and AVL handling, parts library management and DFM with emphasis on Signal Quality Analysis.


Valor Computerized Systems,

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CADSTAR Express, a free Web download of the CADSTAR 7.0 design solution, includes an advanced Place and Route Editor for faster, more accurate routing. The fully functional Web version has a limit of 50 library components and 300 pins.


Aimed at design engineers, board designers, students and hobbyists, comes with an interactive manual to guide users through the design process and tool suite.


Front-to-back design suite for the Windows platform offers constraints-driven schematic capture, placement, routing, library creation and management, signal integrity, EMC analysis and production of manufacturing data. Design flow managed within a single GUI. Menus can be customized for fast access to frequently used tools, includes board dimensioning tools and a hierarchical library for symbols, components and parts.


Said to offer fast, accurate automatic routing of even densely packed boards. Features 45-degree routing, automatic copper re-pour and constraints-based component footprints. Offers placement accuracy up to 1/1000th of a degree, and constraints-based track length control maintains signal integrity and minimizes EMC problems in high-speed designs.


Available for download at



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GerbTool version 14.0 offers fully revised support of NC drilling and milling, and enhanced netlisting support that streamlines the comparison process of Gerber-to-D356. Includes DfM support for embedded passive technology. The DfM analysis features help designers and fabricators deploy either additive or subtractive passive resistor materials within their printed circuit-based products


Allows users to work with multiple tool tables and control every aspect of their NC data, down to feed, speed, plunge and extract rates of the machine spindle. Can accommodate complex assembly sub-panels or manufacturing production panels. 25 new DfM analysis queries provide a general analysis of any PCB; results can then be used for job quoting, pre-sales analysis or pre-production reviews.


Increased collaboration with free Internet Explorer-based GerbTool database reader allows users to share datasets with other team members, inside or outside of the company.


Release highlights include:

Embedded Passive Support, Alignment Checking

Termination Bar Overlap Checking, Extension Checking, Width Checking

Advanced Tool Table Support

Multiple Tool Tables

NC Feeds and Speeds

NC Plunge and Extract Rates

NC Compensation Index Tables

NC Tool Linking

Maximum Hits

Tool Reordering for Export

User-Defined Break Tabs

Enhanced Interactive Milling

Drilled Text

Operator Messages

Operator Stop Command

MCM/LTCC Layer Stack-Up

Enhanced Information Queries

Updated Internal Net Names

Importing Databases, Internal versus External Netlist

Import Netlist Only (ODB++, PADS ASCII)

Explode Nets, Preserve Nets

Net Compare, Check Pad Sizes

GT-Reader Internet Browser Plug-In


WISE Software Solutions Inc.,

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Accutronic, a flat-belt-driven, powered live-roller accumulation conveyor with 24-volt electric actuation is said to offer quiet, positive transportation and true zero-pressure accumulation of cases, cartons and totes.


Reduces noise and removes lubrication requirements associated with chain-and-pad-driven live roller conveyor. 24-volt electric stepper motor lift mechanism eliminates the need for the compressed air, increasing installation flexibility and producing energy savings.


Features an automatic sleep mode, which disengages the drive if no product has rolled by in eight seconds, and detectors built into the photo-eye sensors that shut the system down five seconds after sensing a product jam. Photo-eye sensors, factory installed and aligned, and control modules are delivered ready to run.


Designed for medium-duty, high-speed accumulation lines. Offers speeds up to 400 ft./min. on transportation and up to 240 ft./min. on accumulation.

Weight capacity is 35 lb./ft. for live loads,  100 lb. per package. Provides release rates of up to 95% and acceptance rates up to 100%.


Available in three-, six-, nine- and 12-foot lengths with a standard zone length of three feet. Available widths between frames are 16", 22", 28", 34" and 40".


FKI Logistex North America,

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