
RemUVa is designed to remove coatings from finished assemblies. Has a fully configurable nozzle to permit working on smaller areas or to remove coating across a larger area. Reportedly does not damage adjacent devices, interconnects or PCBs. Is a bench-top powder abrasion system designed to remove conformal coatings, including UV40. Is equipped with adjustable powder flow control and air pressure regulation. Uses an abrasive media known as carbo-blast. Uses a point ioniser to reduce ESD from reaching levels that could potentially damage components. 


7700-FV pick-and-place machine places 0402 components, CSPs, BGAs, and fine pitch QFPs. Is said to place 0201s with optional nozzle and feeder. Comes in three versions, with cut strip feeders or filled reels of 8 and 12 mm tapes, along with standard holders for JEDEC trays and stick feeders.


Vigon N 501 pH-neutral defluxing cleaning agent ensures compatibility with sensitive SMT production materials such as aluminum, copper, brass, nickel, plastics and label materials. Is a water-based, non-flammable MPC (micro phase cleaner) specifically developed for spray-in-air processes. Has short contact times and bath concentration levels as low as 10 – 15%.


The Yamaha YS24 pick-and-place machine is a dual-sided machine with a total of 120 feeder positions in a space of 2 m2. Has speed up to 72,000 components per hr. Performs placement of components ranging from 0.4 mm by 0.2 mm (01005) up to 32 mm2. Handles board sizes up to 700 mm long by 460 mm wide. Includes NPI features like virtual sticky tape, easy editors and setup assistant.


The Profiling Kit contains all necessary accessories for profiling a PCB, including thermocouples, aluminum tape, gloves, scissors, pick and more.



Cap-Loc solderless electrical and mechanical interconnect is for electrolytic capacitors. Is said to eliminate secondary processes and soldering, adhesives, or clamps commonly used to make electrical or mechanical connections to PCBs. Reportedly withstands applications with operating temperatures up to 125°C. Accommodates 18 mm diameter capacitor bodies with lengths up to 42mm. Offers is 1 mΩ contact resistance between lead and PCB. Features a strain-relief design to protect capacitor leads.


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