

Press Releases

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Corporate News

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PCB Design Conference East and West
Proceedings are available for the following:

PCB West 2001
PCB West 2002
PCB West 2003
PCB West 2004

PCB East 2001
PCB East 2003

These files are very large so we have decided not to post them here. If you are a subscriber (digital or print) to Printed Circuit Design & Manufacture or Circuits Assembly, you can get a CD with the contents of those proceedings, FREE OF CHARGE!!. Just click on this link and supply the required information and we will send you a CD, FREE! We'll even pay the postage.

If you are not a subscriber to PCDM or CA (and why wouldn't you be), the proceedings are available for a modest fee.

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To subscribe to Circuits Assembly, please click here to open a subscription form in a new window. Subscriptions take approximately six to eight weeks to process.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Schuler, the magazine and on the web site

Your news item or product release must be of interest to the printed circuit assembly industry. Specific areas of interest for news include acquisitions, relocations, openings, closings, promotions, research programs, market studies, contracts, appointments, conference and tutorial locations and dates.

Your news must be current. Keep in mind that an average time of at least two months will pass before you see your news in print.

News for the web site is gleaned from the same information received for the magazine and is published on an as-received basis at the discretion of the editors.

Restrict yourself to a page or, at the most, two pages, and focus only on those details pertinent to the issue being discussed.

For new products, your release must cover a product or service that would be purchased by a printed circuit assembly professional.

News items, product releases, etc., may be sent electronically or by hard copy. Our editors prefer to received releases electronically.

Press releases sent electronically should be transmitted within the body of the message or sent as Microsoft Word attachments. Photos should be sent as .eps or .tif files. Include full contact information including company name, complete address, contact person and phone number. All material should be sent to:

Prepare the hard copy as follows:

  • Type on one side only on 8-1/2" x 11" paper, double spaced.

  • Use corporate stationery with letterhead for the first page. Include a full address with a contact person's name and phone number at the end of the release.

  • Photos: Send good-quality, well-lit color prints. Identify the photo with a caption. Circuits Assembly reserves the right to edit or reject press releases, and we cannot guarantee a release will run in a specific issue.

For additional information or assistance, contact our editorial office at:

Circuits Assembly
UP Media Group
2400 Lake Park Drive
Suite 440
Smyrna, GA 30080
Phone: (678) 589-8846
Fax: (678) 589-8850

There are specific guidelines for submitting articles to CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY. These guidelines are based on achieving simplicity both in communicating to our audience and in working with the editors.

Submission Requirements

Most of the editorial content in CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY is in the form of technical articles. Every article must address or conform to the following items:


  • Explain how the new technology helps an assembler do their job better. Explain - specifically - how it works, and the impacts (again, specifically) on the assembly process.
  • Contain hard data. (This is not to be confused with generalities and potentials and possibilities). Furthermore, any data should be current; not rehashed statistics.
  • Data should be presented in a visually stimulating form (graphs and models, not just tables and formulas).
  • Data should be comparative to a current process or a competitive method.
  • Draw conclusions and state them prominently; don't just let the reader draw his/her own conclusions.
Articles should be submitted electronically via e-mail.


Articles must contain complete contact and author information, author biographies, and reference information, and should adhere to the general format requirements. Reference materials should be noted in a separate section and provide the following information:


  • Source.
  • Author.
  • Page numbers.
  • Date.
  • Place (if presented at a conference).
Complete artwork information including captions and figure references should also be provided.


Finally, authors must document any relationship they or their employers have to equipment, materials or patented processes named in the article.

Adverse Outcomes

Our expectation is that your article proposal will include full, accurate and up-to-date reporting of adverse events or outcomes pertaining to the use of any processes or products described.

Electronic Transfer

Electronic transfer is mandatory. Articles transferred by e-mail should be sent to Text files should be in Microsoft Word format. Artwork should be submitted in its original format, not embedded in the Word document.



CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY retains the copyright for all published material unless otherwise agreed upon by the author and a designated representative of UP Media Group. If your article is originally published in CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY, reprinting it elsewhere is permissible. However, the following credit line must be published with the article:


"This article was originally published in the (month/year) issue of CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY and is reprinted with permission."


See the Author's Agreement for more information. Contact CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY for a copy.



The deadline for editorial falls approximately two months prior to the printing of the issue. For example, the deadline for the July issue is May.


Competition for publication is fierce. If you cannot meet the deadline for your article or any of the accompanying artwork, contact the editors promptly. Failure to notify the editors may result in your article getting rescheduled.


Editorial Calendar

Detailed information for each month's editorial emphasis is included in the Editorial Calendar. Additional copies are available upon request from the editors.


Article Length

In general, articles should be as long as necessary to fully explain the author's thesis, study or commentary. That said, the length of the article should depend on the breadth and depth of the topic. Every technical article should detail the methodology and results, including specific equipment, materials and software used.


Articles should be between 1800 and 3500 words. Articles that are extremely long - more than 5000 words - may be serialized in successive issues.


Graphic Requirements

Digital illustrations and photographs are preferred. They must be originals, high resolution (266 dpi or higher) and in Photoshop EPS, TIFF, or JPEG format. E-mail these with the article submission or mailed on a CD-ROM. Preprinted material is not acceptable.


All figures referenced in the article should be clearly marked on the artwork (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.)


CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY does not generally return photo prints or other hard copy artwork, unless prearranged with the editor.

Suggested Technical Article Format

1. Brief introduction (two to three paragraphs, max.) to what was studied


2. Explanation of test methods used to conduct study, including:


    1. Makes/models of equipments or materials
    2. A list of standard (e.g., IPC, ASTM, etc.) test methods used and/or
    3. An explanation of any nonstandard test methods used
 3. Results


    1. Explanation/discussion/analysis of what was found
    2. Description of other work, if any, that will be undertaken related to the study described

4. Conclusions
5. References to related literature
6. Author bio(s)



Outline: Composing a brief outline before writing the article will help to organize your thoughts. It will also help keep the flow of information smooth and organized.


Use Short Sentences: Cramming too much information into one sentence is a common mistake. Use two or more sentences, if needed, for clarity.


Sidebar: Background information needed to fully explain your article may take the form of a "sidebar." This is a supplement to your article and might contain definitions, addresses, or a lengthy explanation.


Introduction: An abstract of the article is not required.


Avoid Cliches: Nothing can sap reader interest faster than these exhausted, overworked phrases. (You know what they are - you've heard them before!)


Skip the Commercial: Readers and editors will see through veiled product pitches. Save time; omit the endorsement.


Keep It Simple: A technical article should not be used as a showcase for an extensive vocabulary. Don't use four or five words when you can use one. Don't use large words when simple ones will do the job.


There are many other suggestions concerning grammar, spelling, structure, and so on that could be offered here, but then what are editors for? Your local library or bookstore offers many reference sources. One of our favorites is The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. It is informative, funny, inexpensive and it will help you compose a better article.


Need more help or information? Contact our editorial office at:


2400 Lake Park Drive
Suite 440
Smyrna, GA 30080
PHONE: 678-589-8800
FAX: 678-589-8888 or


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Sales Info.

Contact your sales representative today for these and other advertising opportunities! Don't forget to ask for an editorial calendar and ad rates!

Sales Associate, North America, Europe, Asia (except Korea)
Krista Fabian
(678) 589-8840

Young Media Inc.
+82 2 756 4819

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