APR-100 depaneler handles PCBs from 80 x 80 mm to 250 x 250 mm, and every type of PCB using an optional PCB holding jig. Reported average maximum processing speed is 30 sec. per PCB. X-, y- and z-axis robot repeatability is 0.03 mm. Has an extruded aluminum frame with painted vanity panels and transparent cover. Dimensions are 2,250 x 1,800 x 1,700.
PEM Hybrid floating panel fastener assemblies can be installed by hand or with a tool into any thin panel material (including stainless steel and PCBs) and permit radial float to compensate for mating hole misalignment up to 0.060". Fully captive steel screws keep parts to a minimum and eliminate risks associated with loose hardware that could fall out and damage internal components. Come in screw thread sizes of #10-32 and #12-24 and M5 and M6, and varying lengths.
CPL827 clear polyester liner label, for auto-apply applications, is designed for harsh environments (up to 300°C). Is a low-cost material said to match polyimide or Kapton performance and is rigid enough for automation. Features a robust liner combined with a rigidly constructed label. Comes in green, yellow and white.
Flopack V6.2 Web-based SmartPart library reportedly generates fast, accurate thermal models for IC packages and associated parts. Thermal models can be instantly imported into novel software to analyze component, board and system cooling requirements. Features a major expansion of the power/discrete semiconductor package library; a new parametric rules engine that checks for errors in design data inputs; and enhanced, more accurate bond wire model.
PowerClean II cleans lead-free circuit boards during manufacturing, rework and repair. Formula is based on Vertrel solvents from DuPont and VersaTrans solvents from PPG. Said to be ideal replacement for ozone-depleting solvents. Is alcohol-free with reportedly no risk of white residues.
Alpha EF-2210 wave solder flux offers soldering and electrical reliability performance. Complies with environmental regulations. Is a VOC-free, no-clean, low-solids, rosin-free flux that passes the Bellcore SIR electrical reliability requirement. Uses an activator system said to minimize micro-solder balls, bridging and icicles. Water-based, non-flammable formula. Is Pb-free and SnPb compatible.